
Daddy Do-over

Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery located in Plano, TX

Daddy Do-over

About Daddy Do-over

If you’re tired of a “dad bod” and want to tighten, tone, and sculpt your body, see the specialists at PCTRAN Plastic Surgery in Plano, Texas. Double board-certified plastic surgeon Phu C. Tran, MD, offers daddy do-overs to perfect body contours, enhance muscle definition, and help you gain confidence. Schedule an evaluation by phone or online today.

Daddy Do-over Q&A

The men’s version of a mommy makeover, called a daddy do-over, is plastic surgery for men with “dad bods” who want to revitalize their look or appear younger. PCTRAN Plastic Surgery provides numerous procedures for men to improve the way they look and feel about their appearance. 

Dr. Tran tailors each daddy do-over procedure to match your aesthetic goals. He also offers mommy makeover procedures for women.

What are the benefits of a daddy do-over?

If you’re unhappy with the way your body looks, daddy do-overs provide the following benefits:

  • Improved body contours
  • Reduced cellulite
  • Better muscle definition
  • Leaner appearance
  • Reduced stubborn fat pockets
  • Slimmer waistline
  • Abdominal sculpting

Daddy do-overs offer the quality of life and self-confidence you deserve. They’re safe and provide exceptional, long-lasting results.

Which daddy do-over procedures are available?

PCTRAN Plastic Surgery provides the following daddy do-over procedures:

Gynecomastia surgery

During gynecomastia surgery, Dr. Tran uses surgical tools and procedures to reduce breast size in men and optimize chest contours.


Liposuction uses a tiny tube called a cannula and gentle suctioning to eliminate excess pockets of fat in your abdomen, flanks, arms, legs, or other problem areas.

Ab sculpting

Ab sculpting uses liposuction and other techniques to sculpt, tighten, and tone your midsection to achieve six-pack abs.

Tummy tuck

If you develop sagging in your abdominal area, a tummy tuck surgically removes excess tissues and tightens those that remain to flatten your midsection.

Facial plastic surgery

PCTRAN Plastic Surgery offers facelifts, chin and jawline enhancement, eyelid surgery, and other superior facial plastic surgery solutions to enhance facial features and perfect a younger look. 

Is a daddy do-over right for me?

To determine which procedures you’re a candidate for, Dr. Tran discusses your goals, reviews your medical history, and examines areas of your body that bother you. He customizes a treatment plan that offers an exceptional outcome. For best results, you should be in good overall health and at or near an ideal body weight for your height. 

Schedule a daddy do-over evaluation at PCTRAN Plastic Surgery by calling the office or booking an appointment online today.