
Mommy Makeover

Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery located in Plano, TX

Mommy Makeover

About Mommy Makeover

While having a baby is a joyous, memorable experience, it can take a toll on the appearance of a woman’s body. At PCTRAN Plastic Surgery in Plano, Texas, double board-certified plastic surgeon Phu C. Tran, MD, offers mommy makeovers for women of all ages to create the beautiful body shape and lean contours they long for. Schedule an evaluation with Dr. Tran by phone or online today to learn more.

Mommy Makeover Q&A

What is a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover combines one or more procedures to help women get their pre-baby bodies back. Dr. Tran personalizes a treatment plan that provides the flattering results you deserve after having children. PCTRAN Plastic Surgery also offers daddy do-overs for busy dads who want to tighten or tone up their “dad bods” and facial plastic surgery.

Which advantages do mommy makeovers provide?

If you’re not quite happy with the way your body looks, mommy makeovers provide the following benefits:

  • Leaner appearance
  • Reduced stubborn fat pockets
  • Less cellulite
  • Slimmer waistline
  • Improved body contours
  • Better muscle definition
  • Self-confidence

Dr. Tran customizes each mommy makeover procedure to match your goals and create flawless beauty.

What are examples of mommy makeover procedures?

Examples of mommy makeover procedures at PCTRAN Plastic Surgery include:

Breast surgery

PCTRAN Plastic Surgery provides breast augmentation, breast lifts, breast implant removal, breast implant revision, and other breast surgeries that alter the shape, size, and overall appearance of your breasts.

Tummy tuck

During a tummy tuck, Dr. Tran removes excess abdominal tissues (including fat and sagging skin) and tightens the remaining tissues to create a flat midsection and tinier waistline.


Liposuction uses a cannula and suctioning device to eliminate excess fat pockets in your abdomen, love handles, arms, thighs, butt, or other problem areas. 

Labiaplasty (genital rejuvenation)

Labiaplasty revitalizes your genital area, reducing excess or sagging skin, tightening tissues, and perfecting the appearance of your most intimate areas.

Lift procedures

PCTRAN Plastic Surgery provides numerous lift procedures during a mommy makeover. Examples include a Brazilian butt, arm, thigh, breast, or body lift to remove any sagging skin after weight loss and tighten parts of your body that bother you.

Am I a candidate for a mommy makeover?

Anyone mom who wants to regain their pre-baby body is a candidate for mommy makeovers at PCTRAN Plastic Surgery. Dr. Tran discusses your medical history, examines your body, and asks about your goals. Ideal candidates are finished becoming pregnant, in good overall health, and at or close to an ideal body weight for their height.

Take advantage of a mommy makeover at PCTRAN Plastic Surgery by calling the office or scheduling a consultation online today.